This page will inform you about SRJ daily incarcerations guide. If you are looking for information about SRJ daily incarcerations, and some other information related to Southern Regional Jail (SRJ), you can read this entire article. Here, you will be able to find information you need.
About Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility
The Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility or known as Southern Regional Jail (SRJ), is a local-level jail and correctional facility that located in Beaver, Raleigh County, West Virginia. It is part of the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation. For your information, the Southern Regional Jail was built in 1994. Initially, the facility was built with a capacity of 304 inmates. But now, it has a total capacity of 584 inmates, by adding bunks and expanding the facility. Therefore, the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility is now the third highest capacity local jail facility in West Virginia.
The facility superintendent is John Frame. Now, the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility serves seven counties in the southeastern part of the state. The seven counties served by the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility include:
- Fayette
- Greenbrier
- Mercer
- Monroe
- Raleigh
- Summers
- Wyoming
At the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility, inmates have access to various types of jail programs. These programs include:
- Anger management
- Alcohol abuse treatment
- Substance abuse treatment
- Life skills classes
- Domestic violence management
- Parenting classes
To attend the classes, inmates are charged $25.00 per class at the time of registration. If the inmate is unable to pay the class fee, the inmate can still attend the class. The fee will be deducted from the inmate’s trust account, if available.
Searching for SRJ Daily Incarcerations – Here’s Guide
As we explained before, the Southern Regional Jail (SRJ) is part of the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which is an agency that responsible to manage and operate the Correctional Facilities in the state of West Virginia. If you want to find information about SRJ daily incarcerations, simply you can follow some steps below.
- Firstly, go to the official website of West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation at
- Once you are at the homepage, navigate to Offender Searches, then click at “Daily Incarcerations.”
- After that, you will go to the page where you can find SRJ daily incarcerations.
- Now, you can see the list of daily incarcerations by Institution, include the SRJ daily incarcerations.
You can find out that the total of daily incarcerations at Southern Regional Jail (SRJ) is 6. To view admissions summary of SRJ daily incarcerations, you can click at Southern Regional Jail link.
In addition, you may also want to find out WVRJA daily incarcerations overall. When you are still on the page of Daily Incarcerations, you can do these steps:
- Choose a county from the list to begin a search.
- Confirm you are not robot.
- Click the “Search” button.
- Now, you can view a list of WVRJA admissions. The result displays information of incarcerations such as full name, date of birth, charge(s), case, status, and book date.
The information provided on WVRJA is updated regularly. Keep in mind that information can change rapidly over time. The information may not show the actual release date, status, location, or other information about an inmate. While the information is believed to be accurate, no guarantee is given by the WVRJA. Also, the WVRJA is not responsible for the accuracy of such information. Need to note that the sentencing information displayed here is also not intended to reflect the underlying events of the criminal action. Reference should be made to the records of the court having jurisdiction over the inmate.
The Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Address
Below is information about Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility’s physical address, mailing address, and inmate mailing address.
Physical Address:
Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility
1200 Airport Road
Beaver, WV 25813
Mailing Addresses:
Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility
1200 Airport Road
Beaver, WV 25813
Inmate Mailing Address:
Inmate’s Full Name
Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility
1200 Airport Road
Beaver, WV 25813
The Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Phone Numbers
The main phone number of the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility is 304-256-6726. If you want to schedule a visitation, please call the facility at 304-256-6738. The fax number of the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility is 304-256-6739. Make sure you call the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility at working hours.
Visitation Rules at the Southern Regional Jail and Correctional Facility
If you want to schedule a visitation, you can contact the facility at 304-256-6738. For your information, phone hours are 8:00am to 3:30pm on visitation days. If a holiday falls on the visitation day, you must call on a prior visitation day. Keep in mind that a visitation at the Southern Regional Jail is one hour in duration. When you call the jail to schedule a visitation, then you will be given a time to register for the visit. Remember that you can only call once per day to schedule a visit. Walk-in visits at the Southern Regional Jail are not accepted. For each visit at this facility, a maximum of three people; one adult and two minor children or two adults. Each inmate is allowed one visit per month. The visitors can do a visitation for 30 minutes.
The Southern Regional Jail does not legally publish a dress code for visitors. However, visitors are required to dress appropriately. Clothing that is usually prohibited includes anything revealing such as miniskirts, short-shorts, short dresses, dresses, or skirts with revealing slits, revealing necklines, midriff-baring shirts, see through clothing, mesh clothing, or clothing which is excessively tight.
When you visit at the Southern Regional Jail, you should wear shirts and shoes. Ensure that your clothing must not contain any obscene, profane, or violent images. Also, you are not allowed to bring items into visitation with them. The prohibited items include camera, cell phone, and other electronics. Aside from that, you also are not allowed to give anything to the inmate during visitation as well receive anything from the inmate.
A bookworm and researcher especially related to law and citizenship education. I spend time every day in front of the internet and the campus library.