What Are Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and Level 5 Prisons in California

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In California, prisons use a classification system that categorizes inmates based on their security risk and needs of supervision. There are level 1 prisons, level 2 prisons, level 3 prisons, level 4 prisons, and level 5 prisons. What are the differences between these levels of prisons? Let’s find out the differences among them here.

The Differences Among Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 Prisons in California

In California, there are level 1 prisons, level 2 prisons, level 3 prisons, level 4 prisons and even level 5 prisons. Each of these levels is of course different in security and restrictions. Here are the differences among level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, and level 5 prisons in California cited from Prisons Info as per CDCR guidelines.

Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and Level 5 Prisons in California

  • Level 1 Prisons

This level is the lowest classification. Level 1 prisons are prisons for inmates who go through a trial or serve a short sentence. The prisons have a minimum security level. These prisons house inmates with the lowest security risk so that the facilities have relatively fewer restrictions.

  • Level 2 Prisons

In this level of prisons, inmates who committed minor offenses and are not a threat for the prison guards are housed. The security level of these prisons is minimum security level. Inmates in these prisons have slightly more restrictions compared to Level 1.

  • Level 3 Prisons

These are prisons with medium security level where these prisons house inmates who committed minor to major offenses who need to be put in a cell. The restrictions in these prisons are higher than in level 1 and 2.

  • Level 4 Prisons

These prisons house inmates who committed a serious offense where they need to be incarcerated in an independent cell. The prisons have high security levels. The restrictions in these prisons are strict and the prisons are also designed to prevent escape.

  • Level 5 Prisons

These prisons have the highest-level security where inmates are given the maximum security. Inmates who are incarcerated in these prisons are usually those who have high risk of security because they have a history of violence, escape attempts, etc. So, these prisons have the strictest security measures and even interactions between inmates are limited.

Read also: The Worst Prisons in California

As you are able to see from the explanation above, each level has different security and restrictions. It is aimed to provide security to the inmates, staff and community. Let’s say that if there is an inmate who is considered dangerous because they have committed a dangerous crime such as violence and they are placed in a prison with low security. If it happens, it is not impossible for them to escape from the prison easily and even they can be dangerous for the community because they may be able to do the same to other people.

And even an inmate who committed a dangerous crime who is placed in a low security prison can be the target of other inmates’ anger due to what the inmate’s did. As you know, we often hear news where an inmate is beaten by other inmates because other inmates are angry about what the inmate did. Or even it can be vice versa where the dangerous inmate can attack other inmates. So, placing them at the right level is important for the security of all people in the prison.

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