140 English Baby Girl Names and Their Meanings, Unique and Well Meaningful

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Giving a name to a newborn baby can be fun yet challenging, especially for the new parents. When arranging a name, they have to consider many things. If you are a woman and are pregnant or if you are a man and your wife is pregnant and is expecting a baby girl, you may be in the process of finding the best name for your little pie. Feel free to check out some English names for baby girls and their meanings below.

Baby Girl Names and Their Meanings

140 Unique and Well-Meaningful English Names for Baby Girls with Their Meanings

Here are 140 English names for baby girls and their meanings. All of them are unique and well-meaningful.




1. Arabella Beautiful, elegant, magnificent
2. Annabel Lively, cheerful, popular
3. Amelia Diligent, hardworking
4. Amber Yellow gemstone, precious
5. Amanda Cheerful, fun, affectionate
6. Alika Precious
7. Alice Classic, sweet, strong, full of confidence
8. Alesya A gift from God
9. Aleda Winged
10. Ainsley Fresh, full of energy
11. Agnes Pure, holy
12. Agatha Good, honorable, full of blessings
13. Adaline Virtuous
14. Abigail Joy of the father
15. Brianna Strong, tireless, tough
16. Blossom Flower
17. Bella Beautiful, awesome, fun
18. Belinda Beautiful, bright, unique
19. Beatrix Cute, impressive, unique
20. Clara Bright
21. Christina Follower of Christ
22. Charlotte Free, tiny, pure, clean
23. Caroline String, tough, awesome
24. Callista Magnificent, beautiful, charming
25. Caitlin Pure, untainted, holy, clean
26. Dwyne Beautiful, holy
27. Dorothy A gift from God, a blessing
28. Deborah Cheerful, awesome bee
29. Daisy The pure, beautiful, clean daisy flower
30. Esme Charming, beautiful, classic, unique
31. Emily Hardworking, brave, diligent, successful
32. Eloise Healthy, long life, strong
33. Elizabeth God’s promise
34. Elena Shining, successful in the future
35. Eilaria Cheerful, happy, loves nature
36. Freya Respected, liked by many
37. Fiona White, holy, clean, fair
38. Felicity Happiness, luck
39. Gudytha Loves adventure and freedom, warm-hearted, easy to adapt
40. Greisy Very charming, energetic, kind to others, has the power to make plans and achieve success in the future
41. Grace Grace, kindness, mercy, beauty
42. Goldcorna Kind, peaceful, ready to help and guide others
43. Gabriella The power of God
44. Hawysia Beautiful like a flower
45. Haura Cool, understanding, warm
46. Hassanah Pious, beautiful
47. Isabella Devoted to God
48. Iris The iris flower, the name of the Goddess of the Rainbow
49. Ida Diligent, fun, successful in the future
50. Jovanka Gift from God
51. Jillian Soft as feather
52. Jennifer White, beautiful
53. Jenia Beautiful, romantic
54. Janice Common form of Jane
55. Jane God is gracious
56. Jasmine A charming, sweet, delightful white flower
57. Krystal Smart, beautiful, shining
58. Kimberly Leader
59. Keyna Jewel
60. Kendall Lord of the valley
61. Keiza Very well-liked
62. Keisha In a good condition
63. Kayshifa Compassionate and merciful
64. Kayana Keeper of keys, pure
65. Karyl A song of joy
66. Kaesha Guarding
67. Lynelle Beautiful
68. Lulu Cool, comfortable
69. Livy Love, social spirit
70. Light Light
71. Myra Poetic
72. Myla Loving
73. Meri Sea
74. Meisha Cheerful
75. Maida Helper
76. Maia Virgin, kinsman
77. Nia Beauty, bright, awesome
78. Nayra Big eyes, beautiful, magnificent
79. Natalie Sunrise, warm, beautiful, love
80. Niesha Pure
81. Neva New
82. Naomi Fun
83. Oswald Perfect, always loved by many
84. Oriel Angel, pleasing to the heart
85. Olivia Beautiful, magnificent, charming
86. Olaf Entrusted by ancestors, sacred
87. Poppy Large, beautiful, and bright poppies
88. Pamela Sweet, elegant, not boring
89. Quella Tranquility
90. Qianzy Luck
91. Quinza Luck, able to lead, wise
92. Queenie Queen, wise, respected
93. Rula Leader
94. Royanne Nobility
95. Roseanne A graceful rose
96. Rosa A blooming rose
97. Rhiana The great queen
98. Renata Reborn
99. Reese Has a strong will, fiery, tough
100. Raissa Beautiful, charming, classic rose
101. Sarah White, beautiful, respected
102. Samantha Good listener, fun
103. Sunny A sunny day
104. Stella Like a star
105. Shirley A sun-drenched meadow
106. Shelly A meadow on the narrow edge
107. Shania Travel
108. Serry Sweetheart
109. Scarlett Bright red
110. Sawyer Carpenter
111. Taylor Safety, majesty, simplicity
112. Tabitha Beautiful, charming, attractive
113. Tina Like a river
114. Tillie Mighty in battle
115. Taya Clothes maker
116. Talisa Forest
117. Vivian Has a strong sense of purpose
118. Viola Violet-colored flower
119. Veronica Bringer of glory
120. Verlin Bloom
121. Velvet A type of silk fabric
122. Valerie Healthy, strong, beautiful
123. Wyne A true friend
124. Wylie Lovely, attractive
125. Wyanet Beautiful people in fairy tales
126. Winifred Blessed, holy peace
127. Wilda Tree
128. Winter Winter
129. Winnie The one who is friend with peace
130. Willow Willow tree
131. Whitney From the white island
132. Yovanka God’s gift, holy, clean
133. Yoluta Summer flower, beautiful, cheerful
134. Yocelyn Friendly
135. Zahra Meaningful, amazing, like a flower
136. Zahlee Beautiful like a princess
137. Zwetta A beautiful rose, full of charm
138. Zelene Sunshine, joy, cheerfulness
139. Zabrina The great, revered, blessed queen
140. Zariah Blossom, helped by God

Tips to Consider When Choosing Name for Your Baby Girl

As mentioned before, it is not easy to choose an English name for a baby girl because a name should have a meaning. If you have a hard time while choosing it or while arranging it, you may want to check out the following tips:

  1. Think about the nicknames
  2. Consider the name of her siblings
  3. Add a little diversity
  4. Think about the meaning of the name
  5. Think about the uniqueness of the name
  6. Check for multiple spellings
  7. Check for similar names
  8. It is fine if you want to change a tradition

Bottom Line

In conclusion, there are a lot of English names for baby girls that are unique and meaningful. Feel free to choose anyone of them or to arrange these names. When choosing a name for your baby girl, you can consider many things, including where you come from, your beliefs, what you want your girl to be, and so on.

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