Can JPay Be Anonymous?

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For those who are considering JPay, you may be wondering about a few things. One of the things that you may be wondering about is whether you can be anonymous on JPay. You may want to be anonymous because you want to protect your privacy and all your data. As you are a beginner and it is your first time using JPay, you may still not trust this one and may think being anonymous is a good idea. So, can you be anonymous on JPay?

Unfortunately, you cannot be anonymous on JPay. In the other words, it will be needed for you to become a member of JPay if you want to use it. The information about yourself and about your credit card and or debit card that you have to provide to JPay is important for them to reduce the risk of fraud. If you are thinking about the safety of your information, there is nothing to worry as JPay is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. In order to understand how your personal information will be collected and used by JPay, you are advised to read the Privacy Policy at here. Remember that it may change from time to time, so please visit the site regularly.

As you can read on the Privacy Policy, JPay may record that correspondence and incorporate the information it contains into their database when you contact them. All information that you provide to them, including your name, address, phone number, and bank card information are placed in the JPay database. Aside from them, some other information concerning each transaction is also placed in there, including the amount of the transaction or inmate information such as the ID and the last name of the inmate.

When you provide them your email, you may be worried about getting spammed. If you are, please do not be. Apparently, JPay will only send you notifications regarding service announcements related to your account and they will not spam you with newsletter or promotional emails.

According to Privacy Policy, JPay collects IP addresses of the users. Besides, they also collect some other information such as how long that user spent on the site and which pages of the website they visited. All this information is important for JPay to help them diagnose issues and administer their systems, to report aggregate information to their advertisers, and to audit the use of their site. Remember that they do not usually link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable. It means you are able to be anonymous even though your IP address is included in their aggregate information. However, you should know that JPay will try to use IP addresses in order to identify a user when they feel it is important for them to enforce compliance with their User Agreement or to protect their services and other users, and to respond to law enforcement. It is worth noting that JPay has the right to disclose the personally identifiable information of the users as required by law and when they believe that disclosure is needed to protect their rights and or to follow a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on their website.

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