How to Detox from Alcohol at Home Safely

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Getting addicted to alcohol is something that is not easy to overcome. However, it is actually possible for you to overcome it with the right approach and support. One of the earliest steps to do is detoxification. While detox is usually done by professional, you may want to do it at home due to some reasons. For those who are planning to detox at home, make sure to read the following information.

About Alcohol Detox

If you have an alcohol abuse disorder, the first step that you can do to treat it is detoxification. It can get rid of alcohol from your body and it is usually done if you are eager to stop drinking. It is the first step towards recovery.

How to Detox from Alcohol at Home Safely

After flushing the alcohol from your body, the next things that you should do include therapy, mental health treatment, and support groups.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Detoxing from Alcohol at Home

There are several advantages of detoxing from alcohol at home, such as:

    • It can save money: You do not have to pay when detoxing at home, unlike getting treatment at an alcohol rehab center that can be pricey.
    • It is comfortable: Detoxing from alcohol at home will give you comfort as you are familiar with the surroundings.
    • You can get support from family and friends: Support from family members and friends are important at times like this. It would be easy for you to get this if you detox at home.
    • It is private: When you do the detox at home, no one will know it.

Even though detoxing from alcohol at home has some benefits, it also has many risks, including:

    • The risk of relapse is high.
    • The chance of success is low.
    • It lacks prescription medications and professional medical advice.
    • There is a threat of complications or health issues due to withdrawal.

Reasons Why You May Need to Detox from Alcohol

There are a few factors that determine whether you can detox from alcohol at home or not. These include the length of time you have been consuming alcohol, the severity of your alcohol use, and any health conditions that you may have.

Apart from that, there are also many reasons why you may need to detox from alcohol, such as:

    • You have medical issues such as heart disease, liver damage, brain damage, and decreased immune function.
    • You have anxiety or depression.
    • You have physical dependence.
    • You are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
    • You are ordered by a court as a condition of probation or parole.
    • You just want to do it because you have realized the negative impact of alcohol on your life.

Steps to Detox from Alcohol at Home Safely

For anyone who wants to detox from alcohol at home, you can follow the following instructions:

    1. Before detoxing from alcohol at home, you are suggested to go to a healthcare professional to discuss with them and to determine if detoxing at home is right for you. From a healthcare professional, you can also get guidance on how to manage withdrawal symptoms and support your recovery.
    2. Detoxing from alcohol can be challenging both physically and emotionally. To do it at home, you have to create a supportive environment. Before doing this at home, tell your family members and friends that you are going to detox. Aside from that, you can also ask for their support. Plus, do not forget to get rid of alcohol from your living space to minimize temptation and to surround yourself with positive influences.
    3. Alcohol withdrawal can cause dehydration. Please drink plenty of water. In addition, you can also drink other hydrating fluids such as sports drinks and electrolyte-rich juices.
    4. To support your recovery and to minimize withdrawal symptoms, eat a nutritious diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. It is better for you to also consume foods that are high in vitamins B and C as they can help the recovery process.
    5. To help your body recover from the effects of alcohol, rest well. Try your best to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep. Do not do the things that can interfere with your sleep, such as consuming caffeine or watching TV.
    6. The next thing that you can do is to explore relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, mindfulness, or doing your hobbies that make you happy. They are important as developing healthy alternatives is crucial during detox.
    7. One of the things that can minimize stress and improve mood is exercising. Spare about 30 minutes for physical activity such as walking, biking, or yoga every day.
    8. In case you experience severe withdrawal symptoms such as hallucinations, seizures, high fever, or irregular heartbeat, seek medical attention immediately. To manage these symptoms, it may be needed for you to go to a hospital.

Bottom Line

Detoxing from alcohol at home can be a good option. It is actually safe as long as you follow the appropriate safety measures and are guided by professionals. If you want a long-term recovery, make sure to seek ongoing support and treatment after detoxification as alcohol addiction is something that is complex.

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