What Can the Police Do About Harassing Texts?

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Being a victim of harassing texts can be frustrating. So what if it happens to you? You must be wondering what the police can do about harassing text cases. You should know that in every jurisdiction the law enforcement response to harassing texts, internet harassment, and cyberbullying varies. The evolving nature of online crime and the lack of specialized jurisdictions in cyberspace means that some police departments are still learning effective solutions to address these issues. If you are experiencing harassing texts, the best way to stop harassing texts is to follow the recommendations of law enforcement officials. Read on to learn how to report a harassing text case and what the police can do about harassing texts.

Woman get Harassing Texts

Harassing Texts – Is It Illegal?

To protect victims so that harassment does not continue, there are specific laws in place regarding harassment. This also applies to cases of indirect harassment such as through text messages. Some law enforcement agencies may be unsure of what they should do about harassing text cases. This is because many of them do not have adequate training on this jurisdictional issue. So, is harassing texts illegal? The answer is yes, harassing texts is illegal, whether through text messages, phone calls or social media. If you receive harassing texts, you should be aware that it is a criminal and against the law. Therefore, when you experience harassing texts, you should immediately report it to law enforcement officials. And, you have to file a report which requires several steps. Make sure that you make a report with the right steps.

The Way to Report Harassing Texts

If you receive a harassing text, then you should report it to law enforcement immediately. Then, they will ask you to make a report about your case stating all the facts that you have. You will also need to provide evidence related to your case to prove that you really received the harassing texts and convince them that what you said in the report is true. When you make a report, there are usually several steps that you need to follow. So make sure you follow these steps correctly and carefully.

Here are the steps to report harassing texts:

1. Save the Harassing Texts

When you file a report of harassing texts, one of the first things the law enforcement agency will ask you is whether or not you have evidence. Therefore, when you receive the harassing texts, you should save the text as evidence of the crime. Just save the text and never delete it. Also, you can take a screenshot of the text and save it in your photo gallery or share it with your family to save the text. If necessary, you can also download and print the harassing text so that you can provide further evidence if requested by law enforcement agencies.

2. Get a Copy of Your Phone Records

The next step is to get a copy of your phone records. You should know that most cell phone service providers keep a copy of your phone records that show your activity on your mobile device for up to a certain period of time. Now try to access your account and then download it. However, if your cell phone service provider does not provide this as an option that you can download, then you can make it a record. Usually the police will do this. But for more details, you can ask first.

3. Get Organized

When you want to report a harassing text problem, make sure you have collected information and evidence related to your case. Then, provide the information and evidence to the police so that they can believe that you really got the harassing texts. To make it easier for the police to understand your case, you can collect the information and evidence in one place so that it is easily accessible. Make sure that the information and evidence you provide to the police contains your contact details, the harassing image or text message, the time and date when it happened. If necessary, you can also tell them what you have done to stop the case.

4. Make Your Copies

After gathering all the information and evidence to give to the law enforcement agency, then the thing you need to do is make a copy of it. This is done in case the evidence you have collected is lost or stolen. So, in case the information or evidence for your case is lost or stolen, you still have a copy of it.

5. Report to Local Police

Once your case evidence file is created, it is time to report to your local law enforcement agency. Go and speak to a police officer or a detective at the law enforcement agency who can handle your case. When you talk to a police officer or detective, make sure you are calm and relaxed in explaining what happened to you. Explain in as much detail as possible about the text that harassed you. Also, explain the date the harassment started and what you have done in response to the harassing text.

What Happens After Reporting Harassing Texts?

Once you have made a report of the harassing texts, then the detective handling your case will decide on the next steps. They will also decide if your case has enough evidence for an investigation. The detective will review the information and evidence related to your case. Of course, it takes time as you may not be the only one being harassed. You should therefore be patient with the process.

If the information and evidence you provide is not enough to conduct an investigation, the detective will contact you. The detective will hand back all the evidence you have provided for completion. The detective will explain what needs to be completed. Also, the detective will explain the process so that you understand and can be patient. Again, it takes time to resolve an abusive text case.

When the detective sees that you are indeed being harassed, then they will send your case to the prosecutor. In this case, the state government will file charges against the perpetrator who has been harassing you via text and then take further action to resolve your case.

What Can the Police Do About Harassing Texts?

As we have already explained, harassment in any form is illegal. There are laws regarding harassment to protect the public from such cases. So, what can the police do about Text Harassment? The police can do a few things that will definitely help you solve your case. So, if you receive a harassing text, reporting it to the police is the great option.

When you file a report with the police, your case will immediately be handed over to a detective who is responsible for investigating your case. The detective will ask you several questions, such as what happened when the harassment started and many other questions. When conducting an investigation, detectives have certain guidelines and procedures they must follow.

During the process, you must be patient because detectives will look at both sides of the story to conduct an impartial investigation. Once again, ensure that you have provided all information clearly and in detail to the police. This also includes what you said to the perpetrator after you received the text. Please do not hide anything from the police or detectives because that can slow down the investigation.

If you receive police assistance, the police will be able to request phone records from the cell phone company to trace the source of the harassing texts and uncover the identity of the perpetrator. However, obtaining these records requires legal permission. And, of course, it will also take an uncertain amount of time. In rare cases, investigations into cases of text harassment also sometimes experience delays or other obstacles. Therefore you must remain patient.

It is likely that some law enforcement agencies do not have much experience investigating cases involving harassment via text or social media. They lack expertise and are unsure how to request the information needed to reveal the perpetrator’s identity. Therefore, when you experience this case, make sure you report it to the police or a reliable detective.

The Investigation Fails to Stop the Harassment – What Should You Do?

As we said before, not all law enforcement agencies are able to solve cases related to harassing texts. This is partly due to the lack of strong evidence for law enforcement agencies to file official complaints and file charges against the perpetrators.

If an investigation fails to stop the harassing texts, legal experts suggest other ways you can seek justice. First, contact the service provider, or file your case in civil court. If you choose to contact the service provider, you may get the information you need such as the identity of the sender of the text, but on the other hand, the service provider may not be able to do anything about your case. They will ask you to file a report with the police or a civil court.

If you manage to find out the name of the sender of the text, then you can take all the evidence you have against the perpetrator. If necessary, you can also hire an experienced and reliable civil court lawyer to resolve your case. They will file a civil complaint so that you get justice.

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