How Long Does It Take for a DNA Test to Come Back from Labcorp?

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The popularity of DNA testing keeps increasing day by day. Many people want to take this kind of test to find out about their ancestry, genetic predispositions, and some other information. One of the most popular providers that offer DNA testing services is called Labcorp. A wide range of tests are offered by them to individuals and healthcare professionals.

If you are interested in undergoing a DNA test at Labcorp, you may have a lot of questions in mind. One of the questions that you may want to know the answer to is how long it takes for the results to come back. In this post, you will be able to find out about the turnaround time for a DNA test from Labcorp.

Typical Turnaround Time for DNA from Labcorp

Apparently, the turnaround time for a DNA test from Labcorp can vary. Most of them will take around 1-2 weeks to come back. However, some of them may take longer.

For the DNA Paternity Testing at Labcorp, it will usually take 3-5 business days to process. For the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Store Test, it may take up to 14 days. As for the turnaround time for the other tests such as the Hereditary Cancer Panel or the Ancestry DNA Test, the results may be released somewhere in between.

How Long DNA Test Result

Keep in mind that these are estimates and as stated before the turnaround time can vary. It is better for you to reach out to Labcorp directly or talk to your healthcare provider in case you are not sure about how long a certain test will take to process.

Factors that Can Impact Turnaround Time

There are several factors that can affect turnaround time of a DNA test from Labcorp. Some of these factors are as follows:

  • The volume of samples being processed at the time

The volume of samples being processed at the time is one of the most significant factors. Basically, it may take longer for your sample to be processed, resulting in the results to come out longer, if Labcorp is experiencing a high volume of samples.

  • The kind of sample being tested

Apparently, DNA can be extracted from a number of different sources, such as saliva, blood, and cheek swabs. Additional processing steps may be needed for some samples. If your sample needs additional processing steps, do not get surprised if the results come out longer. One of the samples that usually require additional processing steps is blood samples. In this case, additional processing steps are required to separate the DNA from other components of the blood. For blood samples, the process can take longer than processing a cheek swab.

  • The location of the Labcorp facility where the sample is being processed

In addition to the volume of samples being processed at the time and the kind of sample being tested, the location of the Labcorp facility where the sample is being processed can also impact turnaround time. For example, you live in a remote area or far from a Labcorp facility. In this case, it may take longer for your sample to arrive at the lab, making the process delayed and making the results come out longer.

Way to Get the Results

Once your DNA test results are done, they will be handed by Labcorp to the healthcare provider who ordered the test. Then, they will be reviewed by the healthcare provider with you. During the process, the healthcare provider will also provide you any necessary explanations or guidance.

For those who ordered the DNA test by yourself directly from Labcorp without a third party, you can just go to the official website of Labcorp to see your results. To be able to do it, you will have to create an account and then log in to it.

Bottom Line

For anyone who is considering a DNA test from Labcorp, it is important for you to understand the typical turnaround time for results. As stated before, most tests take 1-2 weeks to come back. However, there are a few factors that can make the results released faster or longer, including the kind of test, the kind of sample being tested, and the volume of samples being processed at the time. Do not hesitate to check with Labcorp directly to ensure that you have the most accurate estimate of how long you will get the results. If you undergo the test through a healthcare provider, please talk to them to find out about it.

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