The Easiest Way to Get Community Service Hours

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For those who just graduated from high school and are planning to enroll in college or university or those who just graduated from the college or university and are looking for a job, you might want to check out the way to get the community service hours below as many colleges or universities or jobs like to see community service hours on the applications.

What is the importance of the community service hours on your applications? The community service hours on your applications are important because they can show how care and passionate you are about your community. Besides, they also show that you are a well-rounded citizen. From the community service hours, they can think that you are a kind of person who always works hard. If you are dreaming of getting into an Ivy League school or one of the best UC schools or if you want to find a decent job but you have no experience and no references, getting community service hours is recommended.

The Easiest Way to Get Community Service Hours

In addition, community service hours are also important for those who have had to deal with the law. They are especially helpful for the first time offenders and minor infractions. With the community service hours, they will be able to get the chance to give back to the community. Aside from that, they can also reduce charges or fines.

How do you get the community service hours? If it is the first time for you to look for the community service hours, you find it not easy. Actually, it is not as hard as you think. Then, what is the easiest way to get community service hours?

For anyone who is working with a group or organization, usually you will have to submit an application to get them. After submitting it, you can speak with them about documenting your hours. When they agree, you can mark down your hours and ask a supervisor to give it a sign.

As for those who are working with people in the local community, getting the community service hours can be done by printing out your own forms and having them sign off on the hours. Before anything, make sure that every single thing below is included in the document:

  • The name of the individual, group, or organization
  • The paragraph that explains about the activity and that work accomplished
  • The date and number of hours that have been completed
  • The signature and the contact of the supervisor

If you try it, you will be able to say that the process to get the community service hours is easy and it also does not take too much of your time. All that you have to do is to make sure that you keep all the things organized and please pay attention to your documentation.

Talking about the community service hours, there are a lot of community service options to choose from so there is no excuse to not getting one. If you are the kind of person who loves to be involved directly, traditional community service is for you. There are a number of places that you can choose, such as     soup kitchens, retirement homes, libraries, community centers, hospitals, schools, animal shelters, faith-based organizations, and homeless shelters.

These larger organizations should be able to be found easily in both cities and towns. If you live in a small town, there is nothing to worry as your town surely has one of them. Try to find one and do not ever give up.

If it is not easy for you to find the traditional or local community service options due to some factors such as competition, you might want to consider looking for one online. Contrary to popular beliefs, community service hours can be completed online. Aside from not being able to get the traditional or local community service option due to competition, you can also consider this option if you live in a rural area or a small town where there are not many of them around. If there is one near you but the place is still too far by walking and you do not have any vehicle, this option is better. In addition, it is also the best and the most recommended option especially when the pandemic is still around.

To make it easier for you to get the community service hours, here is the list of some of the online community service hours that you can find online:

  • United Nations Volunteers: This one is recommended for those who are good at researching, good at writing, or have some artistic talent.
  • Smithsonian Digital Volunteers: By choosing this option, you will be able to get the chance to edit Wikipedia articles. Not only that, some other things that you can do include transcribing documents, conducting proper research, and so on.
  • Translators Without Borders: This one is recommended for those who speak more than one language.
  • Crisis Text Line: If you have good communication skills, you can join this organization to help calm down those who are in crisis.
  • Project Guternberg: For those who love writing and reading, you can consider this option. Your jobs can be burning CDs or DVDs or transcribing and doing research.
  • For anyone who is considered as a political activist but you are still a newbie, you might want to consider this organization to help you get connected to a campaign or cause that you are really interested in.
  • This one is really helpful for you to match your skills to the other non-profits or organizations that might need your help and you can help them virtually.

While deciding the one to choose from, please consider your skills. The activities that you are going to do will be easier to do if you know, understand, and have skills related to it. Once again, please find the one that suits you well and it should be easy for you to find one.

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