Conjugal visits, which are also known as family visits or extended family visits, are defined as a unique aspect of prison policies in many countries. Thanks to these kinds of visits, incarcerated individuals are now able to spend their time in private with their closed ones to maintain relationships and bonds.
For those who are not familiar with conjugal visits, make sure to read the information about conjugal visit rules below so that you will be able to have a good experience in case your loved one is incarcerated and you have a chance to get conjugal visit one day.
Understanding Conjugal Visits
Conjugal visits are the kinds of visits that are given to incarcerated ones so that they can have intimate time with their loved ones within the confines of a correctional facility. The loved ones that they can spend their time with include their partners, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, and so on.
Conjugal visits have some rules and regulations that should be followed by both incarcerated ones and the ones they spend their time with. These rules and regulations vary across jurisdictions. However, the overall aim is the same, which is to facilitate and maintain healthy relationships between incarcerated ones and their loved ones.
Conjugal Visit Rules
The rules for conjugal visits vary depending on the country. Read the following for more details in some countries:
1. Australia
The Australian Capital Territory and Victoria are the only two areas in Australia where conjugal visits are allowed. These kinds of visits are not allowed in other jurisdictions, including in Western Australia and Queensland.
In Victoria, there are a few rules that should be followed by the inmates to be eligible for a conjugal visit, including:
- They should be counted as a minimum or medium-security inmate.
- They are serving a sentence of 18 months or more.
- The one that they are going to spend time with has to be on the list of the approved visitor and has been screened.
Furthermore, conjugal visits in Victoria are subject to conditions. For instance, in section 37 it is stated that the visitors are allowed to see and to talk to the inmates. However, they are not allowed to touch them, unless the visit is part of a contract or residential visiting programme.
2. Brazil
In Brazil, conjugal visits are allowed for all male inmates, both heterosexual and homosexual, as long as they are not inmates in disciplinary or administrative segregation. However, they are tightly regulated for female ones.
At the facilities run by the military police in Rio Grande do Sul, there is a basic rule for the inmates. Basically, they have to register their partners who they want to spend their time with and they can only be involved with one at a time. Conjugal visits are not allowed in Brasilia if the partners of the inmates are the ones that lived together with the inmates before they were incarcerated.
3. Canada
Conjugal visits are allowed for inmates in Canada that are not on disciplinary restrictions and are not at risk for family violence. The visitors can be a spouse or common-law partner of at least six months, children, parents, foster parents, siblings, grandparents, or those who are close with inmates. After the visit, they have to clean the unit by themselves. During the visit, they also have to follow the rules as they will be controlled by prison staff.
4. Czech Republic
Before conjugal visits are permitted, inmates have to go through medical check and health check.
5. Denmark
Denmark allows conjugal visits for those who have been sentenced to more than eight years in prison. There are apartments provided by the State Prison of East Jutland for the inmates and their loved ones to spend their time. Each visit, they are allowed to spend 47 hours together.
6. France
France allows conjugal visits that last up to 70 hours. The meetings take place in mini apartments that consist of two small rooms, a kitchen, and a dining area.
7. Germany
Before conjugal visits, prisoners in Germany have to be searched first.
8. India
To be allowed for conjugal visits, inmates should be married.
9. Israel
Israel permits conjugal visits only to inmates as long as they are married or are in a common-law relationship. Aside from that, conjugal visits are also allowed if the partner has been visiting them frequently for at least two years. Besides, these inmates should also have good behavior. Most importantly, the inmates should be Israelis and not Palestinians to be granted with such privileges. It is not surprising as this country is known as an apartheid state.
10. Mexico
In Mexico, conjugal visits are allowed, regardless of marital status. Apart from that, some correctional facilities allow entire families of the inmates to live in prisons for extended periods. In Mexico City, gay prisoners can spend their times with their loved one through conjugal visits.
11. Netherlands
Instead of conjugal visits, the Netherlands has unsupervised visits that are given once a month to every inmate who is at least six months and there is close and durable relation between the partners. However, it does not apply to maximum security penitentiaries.
12. Pakistan
Conjugal visits were allowed in Pakistan prior to 2009. The ones that were given these privileges were married couples. According to Human Rights Book 2010, conjugal visits are now allowed in all prisons if they are male and married. It means homosexual couples are not allowed because they are not recognized by law.
13. Russia
The inmates that are allowed for conjugal visits in Russia are the ones that have behaved well.
14. Spain
Conjugal visits are allowed in Spain. The inmates and their loved ones are allowed to have their private time every four to eight weeks. There are private rooms designed for them. In these rooms, they are allowed to do anything with a duration of up to three hours. Some facilities provided to them include shower facilities, clean towels, and condoms.
15. Turkey
To be able to be allowed for conjugal visits in Turkey, the inmates have to behave well.
16. United Kingdom
While conjugal visits are not allowed in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Island, home visits are allowed. These kinds of visits are only for those who have a few weeks to a few months left in prisons. They are usually given to those who have a low risk of absconding, such as the ones who are located in open prisons.
17. United States
There are four states in the United States that allow conjugal visits: California, Connecticut, New York, and Washington. The inmates that can have these privileges are the ones in state prisons. To be allowed for these visits, inmates must meet certain requirements. In some cases, there may be a background check. Besides, the inmates must also be free from any sexually transmitted diseases. Before and after the meetings, both inmates and the visitors have to go through search to ensure that the visitors have not tried to smuggle something.
Bottom Line
Conjugal visits are designed to support and maintain relationships of the incarcerated people with their loved ones. They have certain rules and regulations. These rules and regulations should be followed by everyone so that the events can give benefits, such as strengthening family bonds, helping the rehabilitation process, increasing mental well-being, and minimizing recidivism rates.
A bookworm and researcher especially related to law and citizenship education. I spend time every day in front of the internet and the campus library.